Year after year, your furnace and your air conditioner serve you well. They’re especially reliable when they receive regular attention. A maintenance agreement is a membership plan that covers the cost of annual tune-ups and provides additional perks. You’ll gain access to an assortment of benefits when you sign up for a Midwest Mechanical maintenance plan.

Motivation for Annual Tune-ups

Every furnace can benefit from a fall tune-up. Air conditioners appreciate maintenance care in the spring. During these visits, technicians clean the components, perform operational checks, and make small adjustments to the system.

You understand the importance of these visits on a logical level. Even still, when it comes time to schedule the appointment, you might wonder, “Is it really worth the money?”

Yes, AC tune-ups and heating tune-ups are worth the cost! But instead of trying to talk yourself into that at the time, choose to enroll in a maintenance plan. That way, scheduling a maintenance appointment will be the natural thing to do. The price of your tune-ups will be included in your plan fee. Since you’ve already paid for the plan (or are continuing to pay for it), there’s no reason not to schedule appointments!

Better Efficiency

One key reason to prioritize annual maintenance is that it can help your system run more efficiently. Our technicians take care of jobs like changing the filter and oiling the bearings. As a result, your unit won’t demand as much energy each time it runs.

Increased efficiency has environmental benefits. It can also reduce your operational costs. Since an efficient system requires less energy, your power bills may go down. The price of your maintenance plan may really pay off!

More Years from Your System

Regular care can also help you get more time out of your air conditioner or furnace. Our techs will spot problems before they become big issues that can turn into major breakdowns. The components won’t wear out as quickly since they’ll get the adjustments and lubrication that they need.

This is another way that a maintenance agreement can save you cash in the long run. Yes, there’s a cost to joining, but you may be able to delay the large expense of an all-new furnace or air conditioner.

Priority Care

Heating and cooling repairs aren’t fun, but they’re a fact of life. When a problem comes up, you’ll want service as soon as possible. If you have a maintenance agreement, though, you’ll be in luck.

Part of having a plan includes priority service from Midwest Mechanical in Wichita. When you call, you can count on being placed near the top of our repair list. We’ll schedule you for an appointment as soon as possible.

Repair and Equipment Savings

Not only will we give you priority scheduling, but we’ll also charge you less for the work! Maintenance plan enrollment gives you a variety of money-saving discounts on our services, such as:

  • 5% savings on HVAC equipment
  • 10% savings on HVAC labor
  • 10% savings on HVAC accessories
  • $10 savings on other appointments

Repairs and upgrades are essential every now and then, so it makes sense to seize this savings opportunity.

Peace of Mind

You may sleep easier knowing that you’re enrolled in a high-quality heating and cooling maintenance plan. Regular tune-ups reduce the chance of a midseason system breakdown. They also contribute to safe operations. You’ll know that a pro has recently examined your system, tightened all electrical connections, and made sure that everything was in proper working order.

Plus, you can rest assured that you know exactly where to turn if anything does go wrong. You’ll receive prompt attention and discounted repairs. With a maintenance agreement, you can know that you’re in the best of hands throughout the year.

Midwest Mechanical is the top choice in Wichita for all your heating and cooling needs. Since 2004, our team has been handling furnace and air conditioner maintenance, repairs and installations. We offer expert plumbing services as well. Our A+ Better Business Bureau rating is a testament to the excellent care we provide. Plus, our technicians hold NATE certification, and we’re listed as a RUDD Pro Partner and a Trane Comfort Specialist. For 24/7 emergency repairs, free estimates and financing on approved credit, turn to the pros at Midwest Mechanical .

Reach out to Midwest Mechanical in Wichita to start a maintenance agreement or schedule an appointment.


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